group of people raising hands silhouette photography

My Dear Wormwood,

We have yet to talk about what the humans now call ‘worship.’ While a rather recent phenomenon, it is to our advantage. Help them forget that true worship requires sacrifice, and that the singing of songs is for his glory. The enemy knows that if they don’t give their life up to him, they will worship themselves instead. In contrast, our father knows this tendency and loves it; he is always willing to share his glory unlike our enemy’s desire that they only give it to him.

Let them sing feel-good songs about themselves this Sunday, and they will walk away talking about how good the worship was and that they have truly felt the spirit.

This will make them feel warm and fuzzy about themselves, a perfect gift from him below.

Meanwhile, no glory will be given to the enemy but the humans will feel very special indeed. In this, we offer liberty to these humans. In this way, they will go back to their self-focused life come Monday morning having felt honored and loved because they have praised their god.

Your Diabolical Uncle,


If you haven’t read The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis, then you will likely misunderstand the meaning of the above “quote.” In that book, CS Lewis imagines letters written from a senior demon to his junior, using a satirical epistolary style to address Christian theological issues, primarily those to do with temptation and resistance to it.

Here, I have taken up the style to communicate a very dangerous thing:

Much of our contemporary “worship music” is the devil’s greatest play.

What a deceitful tactic by the great deceiver.

Let the reader so be informed.