
Screwtape Advises: Teach them Modern Worship Songs

My Dear Wormwood,

We have yet to talk about what the humans now call ‘worship.’ While a rather recent phenomenon, it is to our advantage. Help them forget that true worship requires sacrifice, and that the singing of songs is for his glory. The enemy knows that if they don’t give their life up to him, they will worship themselves instead. In contrast, our father knows this tendency and loves it; he is always willing to share his glory unlike our enemy’s desire that they only give it to him. read more

  • November 28, 2023

The Heart of Worship: Communion

Jamie Bennett's sermon emphasizes the centrality of worship in a disciple's life, particularly focusing on communion as a form of worship. He connects communion with the discipleship journey and underscores the importance of partaking in it reverently. Bennett explains the symbolic and spiritual significance of communion in Christian worship, highlighting the intimate fellowship with Christ it represents. He challenges the congregation to examine their hearts, let go of idols, and engage in the Lord's Supper with a focus on Jesus' sacrifice and the future hope of communion with Him.

  • February 19, 2023