About This Site

Welcome future and fellow Pilgrims.

This is a Christian site, which means that the presupposition of its author is that the claims of the Christian Faith are true, good, helpful, and universal to the human condition and that it corresponds to the revelation of our Sovereign God. I use the term “Sacred Book” to acknowledge that the content of this site has a high view of Scripture (the Bible) and that much of the content here either uses the Bible as the basis of my teaching or that it it corresponds to it. The term “Deeper Magic” is an allusion to C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, and refers to Aslan’s substitutionary provision for Edmund…it’s deeper because it goes back before the Creation of time and the cosmos. “Deeper Magic” in this sense is a metaphor for the will of God in his saving work. More info on that below. Finally, you will see that I refer often to Christians as Pilgrims, and I am taking this directly from John Bunyan’s usage in The Pilgrim’s Progress. This is one of my favorite stories and it is certainly an apt metaphor to refer to the Christian life as a journey or pilgrimage.

The content of this site is manifold, with topics like Christian doctrine, the teaching of Scripture, discipleship matters, spiritual disciplines, literature, questions people ask me, some apologetics, and even a place where I publish my sermons… in short, it is an extension of the teaching ministry I have as a pastor. Ultimately, I hope it glorifies the Triune God. I hope some of these matters also bless you. Please feel free to engage, interact, or drop me a line.

About the Sacred Book

Through an analogy (while not exactly the same but similar): as Christians assert that Christ has two natures (both fully God and fully man), the Bible is also the product of God and man which is what the doctrine of Inspiration claims. However, if all Scripture is God-Breathed and superintended by the Holy Spirit, then its teaching, proclamation, and descriptions in their autographs (originals/final completed products) are without error and therefore it is the inerrant revelation of God. This is the logical conclusion of the doctrine of Inspiration. The classic doctrine of Inspiration states the Scripture comes directly from God through a human agent; if that’s the case, then it must be inerrant, because God does not err. Thus, the Bible is a Sacred Book the reveals to us the Story of God’s interaction with human beings through a mostly a narrative form but also through lyrical and didactic material. It is a reliable rule and guide for all matters pertaining to the Christian faith.1The Chicago Statements on Inerrancy and Hermeneutics,” Defending Inerrancy (blog), accessed October 17, 2021, https://defendinginerrancy.com/chicago-statements/.

About Deeper Magic

…coming soon….


  • 1
    The Chicago Statements on Inerrancy and Hermeneutics,” Defending Inerrancy (blog), accessed October 17, 2021, https://defendinginerrancy.com/chicago-statements/.