The Great Commission

Book Review: The Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert Coleman

Jamie Bennett

Luther Rice College and Seminary


Coleman, Robert E. The Master Plan of Evangelism. Ebook edition. Grand Rapids, MI: Revell, 2010.

Introduction and Summary

Robert Coleman, Ph.D., presents to his readers an examination of the topic of evangelism as observed from the life and times of Jesus Christ, the very one who started the task of evangelism and in whom the evangel is all about. Inside, the author intends to communicate principles of evangelism based on the mission of Christ and his work with his disciples. Rather than communicate methods or programs, he examines the way that Jesus prepared his disciples for a life of evangelism. Thus, the book is aimed at developing the priesthood of all believers in the area of evangelism. In other words, Coleman desires to develop the Church, and his purpose is to provide a principle-centered approach in which the Church can rightly take up the call in which “every member is a missionary. 1This quote does not originate with Coleman, nor is used in his book. However, it is appropriated to describe the audience that Coleman is after. To read a personal evangelism resource that uses this quote as its thesis, see Alvin Reid, Evangelism Handbook: Biblical, Spiritual, Intentional, Missional. Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2009. read more


  • 1
    This quote does not originate with Coleman, nor is used in his book. However, it is appropriated to describe the audience that Coleman is after. To read a personal evangelism resource that uses this quote as its thesis, see Alvin Reid, Evangelism Handbook: Biblical, Spiritual, Intentional, Missional. Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2009.
  • December 10, 2023